United Montessori Schools of Indiana was founded in 2008 by a group of teachers that were interested in bringing Montessorians from across the state together to form a united voice. There had long been a need for a statewide organization that would bring together teachers, assistants, administrators and parents that represent all sectors of Montessori education in the state.
UMSI first held a statewide conference in October of 2008, which brought over 170 attendees together. It was quite a success story for an organization that only a few months earlier had been only an idea. Montessori teachers from five states attended that first conference and continue to attend each year.
Today, we are still going strong with a Board of committed volunteers and active committees. Our major areas of focus include:
Providing high-quality professional development opportunities close to home for Indiana Montessorians
Sustaining a School Validation Program to establish quality standards of Montessori throughout the state both within the Montessori community and also to other partners and organizations such as parents and the state
Tackling legislative and regulatory advocacy projects to reduce barriers for Montessori schools and increase access to Montessori education for Indiana families
Join the movement today by becoming a school or individual member. Apply here! We encourage all Montessorians, schools, parents, and advocates across the state to become actively involved in the work that we are doing to move Montessori forward in Indiana. Together our voice is stronger.